Cebu solons support move to make Cory hero - Cebu Circle | Cebu City, Philippines

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cebu solons support move to make Cory hero

CEBU CITY, Philippines—Two Cebuano congressmen support a move to declare the late president Corazon Aquino a national hero.

Representatives Antonio Cuenco of Cebu City’s south district and Pablo Garcia of Cebu province's second district both believe that Aquino deserves the title.

Cuenco said he was even willing to co-author a bill filed last Monday by two colleagues to declare Aquino as national hero.

"Absolutely, 100 percent, I will support it. She is the inspiration of all freedom-loving Filipinos," Cuenco said in Cebuano over dyLA here on Saturday.

Cuenco said Aquino's administration was not perfect and the former president herself had admitted her mistakes. "But it did not erase the fact that Cory had brought democracy to our country," Cuenco said.

Moreover, he added, Aquino served the country with sincerity and honesty.

Garcia said Aquino's administration should not be the basis for declaring her a hero. He said it should be the fact she was the rallying point of the People Power Revolution.

Garcia said Aquino sacrificed a lot starting when her husband was incarcerated and then assassinated.

Garcia said Aquino was even reluctant to run but when she did, the opposition became united behind her at that time.

That she ran against a well entrenched dictator was "an act of courage and heroism," added Garcia.

Former governor Emilio "Lito" Osmeña, also another Aquino ally during and after Marcos’ rule, on the other hand said there was no need for an act of Congress or Malacañang to declare Aquino a national hero.

Osmeña said Cory Aquino already was a hero and this has been declared by the Filipino people.

Meanwhile, Cuenco said he would also support Cory's son, Senator Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III, if the latter decides to run for president or vice-president.

"Noynoy is more deserving than anyone of them (other presidential aspirants), but the big question is if he will run," he said. (Inquirer)

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