Cebu City also cracks down on lingam spas - Cebu Circle | Cebu City, Philippines

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Cebu City also cracks down on lingam spas

07/26/2010 - THE Cebu City has also launched a crackdown against massage parlors and spas offering lingam massage.

Cebu City Treasurer Ofelia Oliva yesterday warned that any spa and massage parlor found and caught offering lingam massage face revocation of their permits or closure of their establishments.

On Oliva’s order, city inspectors fanned out last night to all the establishments operating as spas and massage parlors in the city to identify which among them are offering lingam massage.

If a establishment is found offering lingam massage, a report will be submitted to the mayor and to the city attorney for investigation and will later be subject for closure, she said.

Oliva said all spa and massage parlors in the city have business permits to operate as spa and massage parlor but not lingam massage.

Oliva said the city does not give permits to operate lingam massage since it is not in the tax code.

She said, however, that their inspectors were having a hard time catching those who are offering lingam since most of the establishments just tell them that they are only operating as spas.

Oliva appealed to the public to report to their office any establishment offering lingam massage either through calls or letters so that it would be acted upon immediately.

Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama said that a resolution asking all agencies involved like City Health Department, Cebu City Police and Cebu City Anti-Indecency board to investigate lewd practices and immorality with lingam massage was approved last March.

But it has not been fully implemented since CAIB at that time was not activated, he said.

“Yes, there was a resolution passed, but at that time, CAIB was dismantled. That's why I stood for its retention, this is now my watch,” Rama told Cebu Daily News.

Last February, the contract of Dr. Rene Bullecer, former chairman of CAIB, was not renewed but no one took over his position.

Rama said that now that he is reactivating CAIB and appointing Dr. Lucille Mercado as its new chairman, indecency and immorality not only through lingam massage would definitely be addressed.

He said lingam massage is degrading the morality of Cebuanos and is promoting indecency. If closure of those spas operating lingam massage would be the answer, “then it has be,” he said.

The mayor said he would meet next week with all the agencies that composed CAIB and its new chairman to discuss what their strategic plan and the concerns that needed to be addressed immediately and how to implement them legally. (

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