About 7,000 senior citizens yet to receive P2T cash aid - Cebu Circle | Cebu City, Philippines

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

About 7,000 senior citizens yet to receive P2T cash aid

12/31/09 - CEBU, Philippines - Many senior citizens have yet to receive the P2,000 cash assistance from City Hall.
Guillermo Casinillo, head of the Cebu City Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs, explained that the senior citizens who have not received the cash assistance may be among those whose documents are still being processed.
Casinillo said his office continues to process about 7,000 applications and the cash assistance may be released early this year.
“Naibog lang tawon mi sa uban nga senior citizens nga kaduha na makakobra ug tag P2,000. Kami wala pa g’yod mi makakuha ug cash assistance bisan kausa. Maayo unta ug maaprobahan na ang among application,” a retired police official who is a resident of barangay Lahug said.
Mayor Tomas Osmeña announced earlier that senior citizens aged over 60 years old will receive P4,000 cash assistance in 2010, which will be released before the elections.
Osmeña admitted that the giving of cash assistance is a political move, but explained that senior citizens truly need the money for their medical needs.
Meanwhile, differently-abled persons in Cebu City are asking OSCA to speed up the documentation for their cash assistance, which Osmeña also announced a few months ago.
Osmeña announced earlier that the city will give P4,000 to persons with disabilities, even to children
, as long as their parents are residents of the city since 2007

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